1968 Editors’ Preface


Albert G. Prodell
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, New York

These proceedings consist of papers based on formal talks given by participants of the Summer Study on Superconducting Devices and Accelerators. Wherever possible, edited drafts of these papers were returned to the authors for review and the papers as published include all corrections and changes.

In an attempt to maintain an open and informal atmosphere during the meetings, no records were made of the round-table discussions or of the discussion after each talk. These proceedings do not include any such discussions, and their contents, therefore, may be preserved only in the memories of the participants.

The task of editing these papers has been shared with Dr. H. Hahn and Dr. J.P. Blewett. The Photography and Graphic Arts Division has given useful advice and has been most diligent and cooperative in reproducing this report in its final form.

In any undertaking such as this, a major share of the effort is borne by one or two individuals who coordinate the activities of authors, editors, and publishers, who direct the flow of manuscripts and attend to innumerable details, and who with great competence organize and type vast amounts of written material. Our sincere appreciation is expressed to Mrs. Yvonne Winterbottom who has cheerfully and ably fulfilled all these functions with patience and understanding.

Editor’s Preface as it appeared in the original proceedings

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