1968 Introduction


John P; Blewett
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, New York

The 1968 Summer Study had as its objective a comprehensive survey of the field of superconducting devices and accelerators. The six weeks allotted to it seemed a reasonable period for a study that was to be relaxed though not leisurely, intensive but not concentrated like a five-day conference. On the whole these goals were achieved; we at Brookhaven learned a great deal and it is our hope that our visitors were equally happy.

Almost 200 visitors attended the study for varying periods. Of the attendees about half came from American or Canadian national laboratories and universities. About one-third of the visitors represented some twenty-seven American and Canadian companies involved in superconductivity or cryogenics. The remaining one-sixth of the study group came from foreign laboratories in England, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland and Japan. It was particularly pleasant to welcome eleven representatives of our sister laboratory CERN.

Almost a hundred papers were presented during the study. Most of them are included in this volume which has been capably edited by Albert G. Prodell and Harald Hahn with the able assistance of Mrs. Yvonne Winterbottom.

The headquarters for the study was in Brookhaven’s Accelerator Department but members of Brookhaven’s Physics and Nuclear Engineering Departments, also were involved in the study’s organization. Offices in an Accelerator Department annex were *made available for the use of visitors, some of whom were able to join the study for several weeks.

The period of the study was divided into one-week sessions on various topics. Each session was organized by a “chairman for the week.” The first week on “Superconducting Rf Cavities and Linacs” was organized by H.A. Schwettman of Stanford. T.R. Strobridge of the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder planned the second week on “Cryogenics.” The third week on “Superconducting Materials” was under the direction of A. Paskin of Brookhaven. The fourth week was cut short by the Fourth of July holiday, most unfortunately since S.L. Wipf of Atomics International planned a very interesting program on “Ac Effects and Flux Pumps.” The fifth week drew the largest attendance for a program on “Superconducting Magnets” arranged by W.B. Sampson of Brookhaven. The sixth, and final, week on “Accelerators and Storage Rings using Superconducting or Cryogenic Magnets” was organized by the writer. On the last day of the last week summaries of each session were presented by the various “chairmen of the week.”

The organizing committee for the study included H. Hahn, A. Paskin, A.G. Prodell, W.B. Sampson, and the writer who acted as chairman.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance throughout the study period of Miss Barbara Pryor at the registration desk, of 3.R. Craig of Brookhaven’s Instrumentation Department, of Mrs. Mariette Kuper and Mrs. Virginia Sayre of our Director’s Office, of the staff of the Brookhaven Center, and of Brookhaven’s Housing, Transportation and Travel Offices, all of whom provided unfailing and good-humored support for the program. Over-all supervision of the administrative details of the study was maintained by Mrs. Yvonne Winterbottom with her usual skill and efficiency.

Introduction as it appeared in the original proceedings

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