(Second Week)
Chairman: T.R. Strobridge, NBS, Boulder
A comprehensive survey of the esoteric mysteries of the field if cryogenics was arranged by Dick Strobridge. Enormously valuable papers were presented by Hurlich of General Dynamics and Mowers of Rocketdyne on the properties of materials at low temperatures; these papers will save many of us from making costly and dangerous mistakes. Papers on refrigeration and cryostat design provided a fine survey of the state of the art and of the directions in which further progress can be expected.
Following papers were submitted for publication:
T.R. Strobridge, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder
European State of the Art in Cryogenics
G. Prast, Philips Research Laboratories
M.G. Zabetakis, Bureau of Mines
C. Barnes, CVI Corporation
Review of Heat Transfer to Helium I
R.V. Smith, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder
M.A. Green, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, and G.P. Coombs and J.L. Perry, 500 Incorporated
C.D. Henning, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore
A. Hurlich, General Dynamics/Astronautics
Properties of Nonmetallic Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures
R. Mowers, Rocketdyne
Review of the Cryogenics Session – Second Week of the Summer Study
T.R. Strobridge, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder