ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (as appeared in my Ph.D. thesis, applicable to magnet design work for RHIC and SSC, as well)
It is my honor to use this opportunity to acknowledge Prof. N.K. Sharma for inspiring me to become a physicist and for providing a basic training in scientific methods since I was in high school. I thank my other supervisor Dr. G.H. Morgan for encouraging me to be thorough while allowing an independent style of working to be developed. I also thank Dr. Morgan for spending a large amount of time in critically examining the manuscript and for proposing several corrections to it, in particular to chapter 1.
The thesis was also reviewed by Dr. E. Willen who made several suggestions for writing it in a clearer and more professional manner. Discussions with Dr. S. Khan, Dr. G. Morgan and Dr. P. Thompson were very valuable in developing various techniques presented here. A significant amount of work on RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) magnets has been done in collaboration with Dr. Thompson and on SSC (Superconducting Super Collider) magnets with Dr. Morgan.
I also thank Dr. A. Jain and Dr. P. Wanderer for discussions on various topics related to magnetic measurement, testing and analysis. Most of the test data and several figures related to test results have been provided by Dr. Jain.
Advice on field quality improvements from the machine physics point of view was provided by Dr. H. Hahn, Dr. M. Harrison, Dr. S. Peggs and Dr. J. Wei. A close interaction between accelerator physicists and magnet builders was important in leading field quality improvements in the direction most critical to the performance of machine.
Discussions with the engineers in RHIC magnet production group, in particular with Mr. M. Anerella and Mr. E. Kelly, were important in incorporating various design features in magnet construction in an efficient manner. Several drawings in this manuscript are provided by the design office.
I would like to thank the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India for agreeing to accept the research work performed at the Brookhaven Nation Laboratory (BNL), USA, towards a Ph.D. degree after a long gap since completing my M.Sc. course work there. Finally, I would like to thank the RHIC management (Drs. A. Greene, S. Ozaki, P. Wanderer and E. Willen) at BNL for their continuous support and encouragement towards the completion of this work. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH00016.
Ramesh Chandra Gupta (1996)