INFUSE 2021b, November 22, 2021
Company: General Atomics, DUNS: 067638957
Title: In-Field Performance Testing of a Novel HTS CICC for Practical and Cost-Effective Fusion Magnet Systems
High temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets could significantly enhance the performance of fusion devices and are recognized as one of the four first-tier transformative enabling capabilities to efficiently advance fusion technology. General Atomics (GA) is actively evaluating the technical feasibility of large- scale HTS fusion magnets. One of the focus areas at GA is the demonstration of an HTS-based segmented toroidal field (STF) coil at a scale typical of a compact tokamak fusion device. GA’s design of the STF coil uses a unique configuration of Conductor-on-Round-Core (CORC®) HTS cables in a Cable-In-Conduit- Conductor (CICC). The CICC concept is novel approach to have an internally cooled conductor with large current capacity. The use of CORC® compared to the stacked and/or twisted tape cables enable a round geometry and isotropic properties which are favorable attributes in terms of fabrication as well as tokamak operation. Thus, the CORC-based CICC design offers a simplified and cost-effective solution to large-scale HTS magnets. Under this project, GA is fabricating a 4 m long test article of the CORC®-based CICC that will be tested under high-applied currents and high magnetic field conditions at the DCC017 dipole system at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The parametric evaluation of the test article that includes the tight radius bend will retire key manufacturing risks by demonstrating the integrity of CORC® cable inside the copper stabilizer and welded SS conduit. If successful, the project will demonstrate the technical feasibility of full-scale HTS fusion magnets and provide a path towards compact high-density plasma fusion machines.
Co. PI: Dr. Zbigniew Piec
Co. e-mail: Zbigniew.piec@ga.com
Laboratory: BNL
Lab PI: Dr. Ramesh Gupta, gupta@bnl.gov