(First Week)
Chairman: H.A. Schwettman, Stanford University
The Summer Study began with a week on applications of superconducting surfaces at radio frequencies. Under the able leadership of Alan Schwettman, an easy and informal atmosphere was rapidly achieved and soon a free and vigorous interchange of information was in progress between exponents of various techniques and representatives of the manufacturers whose technology will be essential to progress in this field. The session was dominated by the energetic Stanford group who continually amazed the audience with the scope and daring of their plans.
Following papers were submitted for publication:
The Development of Low Temperature Technology at Stanford and its Relevance to High Energy Physics
H. Alan Schwettman, Stanford University
Q Measurements on Superconducting Cavities at S-Band
H. Hahn, H.J. Halama, and E.H. Foster, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Coupling Losses in Superconducting Cavities
H. Hahn and J. Miller, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Fabrication of Niobium Rf Cavities
R.W. Meyerhoff, Union Carbide Corporation
Fabrication of High Q Superconducting Niobium Cavities
I. Weissman, Varian Associates
Materials Investigation for a Two-Mile Superconducting Accelerator
M.A. Allen and H.A. Hogg, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Characterization of Residual Rf Losses in Superconductors
C.R. Haden, University of Oklahoma
Technetium as a Material for ac Superconductivity Applications
S.H. Autler, NASA Electronics Research Center
Applications of the Fountain Effect in Superfluid Helium
C.M. Lyneis, M.S. McAshan, and H.A. Schwettman, Stanford University
Refrigeration at Temperatures Below the Boiling Point of Helium
S.C. Collins, 500 Incorporated
L.R. Suelzle, Stanford University
Particle Motion in a Standing Wave Linear Accelerator
E.E. Chambers, Stanford University
Sample Parameters of a Two-Mile Superconducting Accelerator
R.B. Neal, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Consideration of the Use of Feedback in a Traveling-Wave Superconducting Accelerator
R.B. Neal, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
W. Jungst, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe
An Enriched Particle Beam Using Superconducting Rf Deflectors
H.N. Brown, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Design Problems in Superconducting Rf Beam Separators
H.J. Halama, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Superconducting Rf Separator Research at the Rutherford Laboratory
A. Carne, B.G. Brady, and M.J. Newman, Rutherford Laboratory
Beam Optics Design for a 600 MeV Microtron
D.C. Sutton and A.O. Hanson, University of Illinois
High Stability UHF Oscillators using a Superconducting Cavity
F. Biquard, Nguyen Tuong Viet, and A. Septier, Institut d’Electronique, Orsay
Summary of First week of Summer Study
H. Alan Schwettman, Stanford University