Publications on the LHC Magnets:
- R. Gupta, et al., Common Coil Dipoles for Future High Energy Colliders, 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, September 4-9, 2016 (talk)
- R. Gupta, “Conceptual Magnetic Design of the Large Aperture D2 Dipole for LHC Upgrade,” 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14, Dresden, Germany, June 15 – 20, 2014 (Poster)
- R. Gupta, el al., “Iron Shims Outside the Helium Vessel to Adjust Field Quality at High Fields,” 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’14, Dresden, Germany, June 15 – 20, 2014 (Poster)
- R. Gupta, et. al, “React & Wind Nb3Sn Common Coil Dipole”, ASC 2006, August 27- September 1, 2006 in Seattle, WA, USA. *** Click Here for Talk ***.
- R. Gupta, “Modular Design and Modular Program for High Gradient Quadrupoles”, ASC 2006, August 27- September 1, 2006 in Seattle, WA, USA . *** Click Here for Poster ***.
- R. Gupta, et. al, “Optimization of Open Midplane Dipole Design for LHC IR Upgrade,” Presented at the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (2005). *** Click Here for Poster ***
- R. Gupta, et al., “Open Midplane Dipole Design for LHC IR Upgrade,” International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT18) at Morioka City, Japan (2003) (Click here for Poster)
- J. Muratore, et al., Test Results for Initial Productions of LHC Insertion Region Dipole Magnets, 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference at Paris, France (2002).
- E. Willen, et al., Superconducting Dipole Magnets for the LHC Insertion Regions, 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference at Vienna, Austria (2000).
- A. Jain, et al., Field Quality in the Twin Aperture D2 Dipole for LHC Under Asymmetric Excitation, Particle Accelerator Conference at New York, USA (1999).
- A. Jain, et al., Magnetic Design of Dipole for LHC Insertion Region, 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference at Stockholm, Sweden (1998).
- R.C. Gupta, et al., Coldmass for LHC Dipole Insertion Magnets, Presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT15) at Beijing, China (1997).
- R. Gupta, Estimating and Adjusting Field Quality in Superconducting Accelerator Magnets, Proceedings of the LHC Collective Effects Workshop, Montreux, 1995; Submitted to the Particle Accelerators (1995).