Lectures given by Ramesh Gupta as a part of Superconducting Magnet course offered at USPAS 2001. This winter course was held at the Rice University, Houston, Texas on January 22-26, 2001. Note: Only those talks are listed below for which electronic presentations are available. Hard copies of the rest of the talks can be obtained by contact me at gupta@bnl.gov.
- Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (with a brief introduction to superconductivity)
- (Write-up from an earlier course)
- Coil Optimization
- Field Quality in Accelerator Magnets
- High Field Magnet Designs
- Racetrack Coil Magnets for Neutrino Storage Ring
- HTS Based Magnet R&D
Thesis of Ramesh Gupta. This contains a detailed write-up on some of the above topics.