USPAS 2001 by Ramesh Gupta

Lectures given by Ramesh Gupta as a part of Superconducting Magnet course offered at USPAS 2001. This winter course was held at the Rice University, Houston, Texas on January 22-26, 2001. Note: Only those talks are listed below for which electronic presentations are available. Hard copies of the rest of the talks can be obtained by contact me at

  1. Superconducting Accelerator Magnets (with a brief introduction to superconductivity)
  2. (Write-up from an earlier course)
  3. Coil Optimization
  4. Field Quality in Accelerator Magnets
  5. High Field Magnet Designs
  6. Racetrack Coil Magnets for Neutrino Storage Ring
  7. HTS Based Magnet R&D

Thesis of Ramesh Gupta. This contains a detailed write-up on some of the above topics.