RHIC Magnet Notes SSC Magnet Notes New Design Notes HTS Magnet Notes Accelerator Physics Notes
During my initial years at BNL, I worked partly on accelerator physics topics. Later, I also supported and collaborated with accelerator physicists. These notes and papers summarize that work (1984-2017):
- Gupta, R., Methods of Designing a Synchrotron Lattice with High Transition Energy, MS Thesis, TRIUMF, Feb 1984.
- Gupta, Ramesh C., Methods of Designing a Synchrotrons with High Transition Energy, August 1983.
- Gupta, Ramesh C., M.K., Straight Section Design, August 1983.
- Gupta, R.C., Craddock, M.K., Fast Extraction from the 30 GeV Synchrotron, August 1983.
- Gupta, R., Lee, Y.Y. The Heavy Ion Injection Line for the AGS Booster. BNL AD Technical Note No. 238 (February 1986). [BNL-104661-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/85461.pdf
- Gupta, R., Lee, Y.Y. The Heavy Ion Injection Line for the AGS Booster. BNL AD Booster Technical Note No. 7 (February 1986). [BNL-105055-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/85858.pdf
- Gupta, R., Damm, R.; Lee, Y.Y.; Weng, W.T. H– and heavy ion injection lines for the Booster. BNL AD Booster Technical Note No. 90 (September 1987). [BNL-105137-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/85940.pdf
- Gupta, R., Lee, S.Y., Lee, Y.Y., Zhao, F. Transfer Line Between the Booster and the AGS. BNL AD Booster Technical Note No. 16 (March 1986). [BNL-105063-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/85866.pdf
- MacKay, W., Anerella, M.; Courant, E.; Escallier, J.; Fisher, W.; Ganetis, G.; Ghosh, A.; Gupta, R.; Jain, A.; Kelly, E.; Luccio, A.; Marone, A.; Morgan, G.; Muratore, J.; Okamura, M.; Ptitsin, V.; Prodell, A.; Roser, T.; Tepikian, S.; Syphers, M.; Wanderer, P.; Willen, E. Superconducting Helical Snake Magnets: Construction and Measurements. BNL AGS/RHIC/SN #80 (August 1999). [BNL-103705-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/84498.pdf
- Brown, K., Bunce, G.; Courant, E.; Fernow, R.; Gupta, R.; Lee, S.Y.; Luccio, A.; Makdisi, Y.; Peggs, S.; Pilat, F.; Ptitsin, V.; Ratner, L.; Roser, T.; Tsoupas, N.; Shatunov, Yu.; Spinka, H.; Syphers, M.; Tepikian, S.; Ufimstev, A.G.; Underwood, D.; Willen, E. Conceptual Design for the Acceleration of Polarized Protons in RHIC. BNL AGS/RHIC/SN #001 (January 1996). [BNL-103627-2014-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/84420.pdf
- Luccio, A., Gupta, R.; MacKay, W.W.; Roser, T. Cold AGS Snake Optimization by Modeling. BNL C-A/AP#128 (December 2003). [BNL-99280-2013-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/79947.pdf
- Gu, X., Pikin, A.; Okamura, M.; Fischer, W.; Luo, Y.; Gupta, R.; Hock, J.; Jain, A.; Raparia, D. RHIC electron lens beam transport system design considerations. BNL C-A/AP#409 (October 2010). [BNL-94318-2010-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/74547.pdf
- Fischer, W., Luo, Y., Pikin, A., Beebe, E., Bruno, D., Gassner, D., Gu, X., Guupta, R.C., Hock,J., Jain, A., Lambiase, R., Mapes,M., Meng, W., Montag, C.,Oerter, B., Okamura, M., Raparia, D., Tan,Y., Than, R., Tuozzolo, J., Zhang, W. Head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC, ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, Vol., 52, pp. 102-107 (2010). [KB-02-01-011, BNL-93849-2010-NE] http://icfa-usa.jlab.org/archive/newsletter/icfa_bd_nl_52.pdf
- Luo, Y., Heimerle, M., Fischer, W., Pikin, A., Beebe, E., Bruno, D., Gassner, D., Gu, X., Gupta, R.C., Hock, J., Jain, A., Lambiase, R., Mapes, M., Meng, W., Montag, C., Oerter, B., Okamura, M., Raparia, D., Tan, Y., Than, R., Tuozzolo, J., Zhang, W. RHIC Electron Lens Beam Transport System Design Considerations. ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, Vol., 52 (2010). [KB-02-01-011; BNL-93865-2010-NE] http://icfa-usa.jlab.org/archive/newsletter/icfa_bd_nl_52.pdf
- Gu, X., Luo, Y., Pikin, A., Okamura, M., Fischer, W., Montag, C., Gupta, R., Hock, J., Jain, A., Raparia, D. Effect of the Electron Lenses on the RHIC Proton Beam Closed Orbit. BNL C-A/AP#424 (February 2011). [BNL-94679-2011-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/74938.pdf
- Fischer, W., Altinbas, Z., Anerella, M., Beebe, E.N., Blaskiewicz, M., Bruno, d., Dawson, W.C., Gassner, D.M., Gu, X., Gupta, R.C., Hamdi, K., Hock, J., Hoff, L.T., Jain, A.K., Lambiase, R.F., Luo, Y., Mapes, M., Marone, A., Miller, T.A., Minty, M.G., Montag, C., Okamura, M., Pikin, A.I., Plate, S.R., Raparia, D., Tan, Y., Theisen, C., Thieberger, P., Tuozzolo, J.E., Wanderer, P., White, S.M., Zhang, W. Construction Progress of the RHIC Electron Lenses. International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’12), New Orleans, LA, May 21-25, 2012, http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2012/talks/weoba01_talk.pdf
- Méot, F., Gupta, R., Huang, H., Tsoupas, N. Where are the AGS Snakes? BNL C-A/AP/485 (July 2013). [BNL-101458-2013-IR] http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/82191.pdf