Presentations on NSLS II by Ramesh Gupta :
- R. Gupta and A. Jain, “Special Magnet Designs and Requirements for National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)”, Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 5, 2009 (** Click here for talk).
- Dipole Magnet Design and Innovations, NSLS-II Critical Design Review and Production Readiness, February 23, 2009.
- Collaboration meeting with HTS-110 on possibility of HTS magnets in NSLS, December 15, 2005.
- High Temperature Superconductor R&D at Superconducting Magnet Division, NSLS Seminar (8/3/2004)—PDF
- Superconducting Magnets for Future Colliders and Storage Rings, BNL AP Seminar CADAP/CAP/NSLS (March 23, 2000)