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MDP (both design & experimental)
A partial list of the talks related to the experimental program associated with the US Magnet Development Program:
- US-Japan HTS/LTS Hybrid Program and Possible Benefits and Studies for MDP, MDP General Meeting, November 9, 2023.
- Assessment of Training Performance, Degradation and Robustness of Paraffin-Wax Impregnated Nb3Sn Coil (BigBOX) under High Magnetic Field, MDP General Meeting, July 5, 2023.
- Stress-managed Common Coil Performance During the PSI BigBox Test in DCC017, MDP General Meeting, May 10, 2023
- ReBCO Upcoming Tape Coil Tests, USMDP General Meeting December 7, 2022
- ReBCO BNL Status Report, USMDP General Meeting, July 6, 2022
- Status Report on the CORC Coil Program, September 7, 2021
- Status Report on the CORC Coil Program, May 26, 2021
- FES and HEP Synergistic Activities at BNL Supporting the Development of Fusion Technologies, NOW, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
- ReBCO Technology Part 1, BNL Program, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 2, 2021
- HTS/LTS High Field R&D Dipole, Applied Superconductivity Conference, ASC2020-Virtual, Recording, Presentation, Summary, October 30, 2020
- Status of the ReBCO CORC Coil Program for MDP, September 30, 2020
- Quench Studies CORC® Cable Coil at 10 T in HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole, MDP Videoconference on April 15, 2020
- 12 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test Results and Applicability to MDP Roadmap, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting 2020, Berkeley, CA, Feb 26, 2020
- Preliminary Results of the HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test , USMDP Videoconference on Feb 19, 2020
- HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test, USMDP Videoconference on Jan 29, 2020
- ReBCO Roadmap MDP, Video meeting on October 23, 2019
- Test of HTS Tape Coil in a Hybrid Dipole (HTS tape aligned in favorable direction), Videoconference on September 3, 2019
- Magnetization Studies in Coils made with HTS Tape in a Hybrid Dipole (HTS tape aligned in favorable direction), Videoconference on August, 9, 2019
- Initial Thinking on the ReBCO Based R&D Program at BNL for USMDP, MDP Videoconference on June 5, 2019
- BNL experience related to HTS accelerator magnets, MDP Videoconference on May 15, 2019
- BNL HTS magnet experience relevant to accelerator dipoles, US MDP Collaboration Meeting, Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
- Possible areas for BNL Integration to MDP, K. Amm and R. Gupta, US MDP Collaboration Meeting, Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
- HTS/LTS Hybrid Test Results and Common Coil Design Update, FCC Week 2017, Berlin, Germany, May 29 – June 2, 2017
- Common Coil Magnet Design for High Energy Colliders, Seminar at CERN on September 15, 2015
- BNL’s Magnet Program Vision for HEP Colliders, DOE GARD magnet workshop, July 28, 2015
- HTS Coils for High Field Hybrid FCC Dipoles, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015
- BNL High Field and HTS Magnet Program, FCC Magnet Meeting, Charlotte, NC, August 13, 2014