List of publications on Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) or Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA):

  1. Construction and Testing of Curved ReBCO Coils, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT25), Amsterdam, August 27 – September 1, 2017
  2. R. Gupta, et al., “HTS Quadrupole for FRIB – Design, Construction and Test Results,” Presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 10-15, 2014 (Talk)
  3. R. Gupta, et al., “HTS Magnets for Accelerator and Other Applications”, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York (Presentation only)
  4. J. Cozzolino, et al., ” Engineering Design of HTS Quadrupole for FRIB” 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York.
  5. H. Hocker, et al., “Design, Construction and test of Cryogen-free HTS Coil Structure”, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York (Poster)
  6. Y. Shiroyanangi, et al., “Influence of Proton Irradiation on Second Generation HTS in Presence of Magnetic Field”, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York
  7. P. Joshi, et al., “Novel Quench Detection System for HTS Coils”, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York
  8. R. Gupta, M. Anerella, J. Cozzolino, A. Ghosh, H. Hocker, W. Sampson, J. Schmalzle, Y. Shiroyanagi, P. Wanderer, A. Zeller, “Second Generation HTS Quadrupole for FRIB”, 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Washington, DC, August 2010     <<<Click Here for Talk>>>
  9. G. Greene, R. Gupta and W. Sampson, “The Effect of Proton Irradiation on the Critical Current of Commercially Produced YBCO Conductors”, Presented at Applied Superconductivity Conference, August 2008, Chicago.
  10. R. Gupta and W. Sampson, “Medium and Low Field HTS Magnets for Particle Accelerator and Beam Lines”, Presented at Applied Superconductivity Conference, August 2008, Chicago   (**Click here for talk***).
  11. Design, Construction and Test Results of a Warm Iron HTS Quadrupole for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Presented at MT20 – 20th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Philadelphia, USA, August 27-31, 2007 (Click here for talk).
  12. R. Gupta, et. al, “Test Results of HTS Coils and An R&D Magnet for RIA,” Presented at the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (2005).      *** Click Here for Poster ***
  13. R. Gupta, et. al, “Construction and Test of the Magnetic Mirror Model of the HTS RIA Quadrupole”, Magnet Division Note No. 639-42 (AM-MD-339), Internal Publication, February 16, 2005.
  14. R. Gupta, et. al., “Radiation Resistant HTS Quadrupole for RIA”, Presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference at Jacksonville, FL, USA (2004) .      ***Click Here for Poster***
  15. R. Gupta, et al., “Status of High Temperature Superconductor Magnet R&D at BNL”, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT­18) at Morioka City, Japan (2003) (Click here for Talk)
  16.  R. Gupta, et al.,”Development of Radiation Resistant Quadrupoles Based on High Temperature Superconductors for the Fragment Separator”, RIA R&D Workshop, Washington, DC (2003)…. (Click here for Talk)

Click here for link to presentations/talks on FRIB/RIA