A partial list of the talks related to the design studies associated with Magnet Development Program:
- HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Dipole Design for 20 T Operational Field, The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), September 5, 2024.
- BNL Common Coils Experience, 4th Joint Common-Coils Meeting, December 14, 2023.
- Common Coil Design and R&D Program – Past Experience and Future Plans, June 21, 2023.
- Stress-managed Common Coil Performance During the PSI BigBox Test in DCC017, MDP General Meeting, May 10, 2023
- Relevance of the BigBox Test to Common Coil Design, May 2, 2023
- 20 T Common Coil End Design Concepts, USMDP annual meeting, March 21, 2023
- 20 T Common Coil Mechanical FEA, USMDP annual meeting, March 21, 2023
- 20T Common Coil Design Status, USMDP General Meeting, August 3, 2022
- 20 T Common Coil Design Iteration, 6/14/2022
- 20 T Common Coil Design Iteration, 5/31/2022
- 20 T Hybrid Design: Common Coil – Leaping to a New Design Space: Facing the Kodak Moment, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting 2022, March 15, 2022
- Comparative Study of Common Coil Geometry and Relative Conductor Usage in a 20 T Hybrid Design, 2/2/22
- Optimization of Common Coil Geometry and Relative Conductor Usage for a 20 T Design, January 25, 2022
- Common Coil Design and its Application for 20 T Dipole, January 18, 2022
- 20 T Bi2212/Nb3Sn Hybrid Common Coil Design with 15% Margin, November 2, 2021
- 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, September 29, 2021
- 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, September 7,2021
- 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, August 24, 2021
- OverPass/UnderPass (Clover leaf) End Design for Block Coil Dipoles, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
- FES and HEP Synergistic Activities at BNL Supporting the Development of Fusion Technologies, NOW, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
- Alternate End Design (OverPass/UnderPass) for Block Coil Dipoles, MDP General Meeting, July 8, 2020
- OverPass/UnderPass (Clover leaf) End Design for Block Coil Dipoles MDP 20 T Design Study Meeting, June 30, 2020
- BNL HTS magnet experience relevant to accelerator dipoles, US MDP Collaboration Meeting, Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
- Possible areas for BNL Integration to MDP, K. Amm and R. Gupta, US MDP Collaboration Meeting, Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
- Hybrid Configuration and BNL Activities, US MDP 1st General Meeting & Workshop Napa Valley, CA, February 6-8, 2017
- Common Coil Dipoles for Future High Energy Colliders, 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, September 4-9, 2016
- Review and Potential of 16 T (or more) Common Coil Dipole, FCC Week 2016, Rome, April 13, 2016
- Common Coil Magnet Design for High Energy Colliders, Seminar at CERN on September 15, 2015
- BNL’s Magnet Program Vision for HEP Colliders, DOE GARD magnet workshop, July 28, 2015
- 16 T Dipole Magnet Design Options, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015
- HTS Coils for High Field Hybrid FCC Dipoles, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015