MDP – Design Studies

A partial list of the talks related to the design studies associated with Magnet Development Program:

  1. HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Dipole Design for 20 T Operational Field, The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), September 5, 2024.
  2. BNL Common Coils Experience, 4th Joint Common-Coils Meeting, December 14, 2023.
  3. Common Coil Design and R&D Program – Past Experience and Future Plans, June 21, 2023.
  4. Stress-managed Common Coil Performance During the PSI BigBox Test in DCC017, MDP General Meeting, May 10, 2023
  5. Relevance of the BigBox Test to Common Coil Design, May 2, 2023
  6. 20 T Common Coil End Design Concepts, USMDP annual meeting, March 21, 2023
  7. 20 T Common Coil Mechanical FEA, USMDP annual meeting, March 21, 2023
  8. 20T Common Coil Design Status, USMDP General Meeting, August 3, 2022
  9. 20 T Common Coil Design Iteration, 6/14/2022
  10. 20 T Common Coil Design Iteration, 5/31/2022
  11. 20 T Hybrid Design: Common Coil – Leaping to a New Design Space: Facing the Kodak Moment, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting 2022, March 15, 2022
  12. Comparative Study of Common Coil Geometry and Relative Conductor Usage in a 20 T Hybrid Design, 2/2/22
  13. Optimization of Common Coil Geometry and Relative Conductor Usage for a 20 T Design, January 25, 2022
  14. Common Coil Design and its Application for 20 T Dipole, January 18, 2022
  15. 20 T Bi2212/Nb3Sn Hybrid Common Coil Design with 15% Margin, November 2, 2021
  16. 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, September 29, 2021
  17. 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, September 7,2021
  18. 20 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Design, August 24, 2021
  19. OverPass/UnderPass (Clover leaf) End Design for Block Coil Dipoles, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
  20. FES and HEP Synergistic Activities at BNL Supporting the Development of Fusion Technologies, NOW, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
  21. Alternate End Design (OverPass/UnderPass) for Block Coil Dipoles, MDP General Meeting, July 8, 2020
  22. OverPass/UnderPass (Clover leaf) End Design for Block Coil Dipoles MDP 20 T Design Study Meeting, June 30, 2020
  23. BNL HTS magnet experience relevant to accelerator dipoles, US MDP Collaboration Meeting,  Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
  24. Possible areas for BNL Integration to MDP, K. Amm and R. Gupta, US MDP Collaboration Meeting,  Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
  25. Hybrid Configuration and BNL Activities,  US MDP 1st General Meeting & Workshop Napa Valley, CA, February 6-8, 2017
  26. Common Coil Dipoles for Future High Energy Colliders, 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, September 4-9, 2016
  27. Review and Potential of 16 T (or more) Common Coil Dipole, FCC Week 2016, Rome, April 13, 2016
  28. Common Coil Magnet Design for High Energy Colliders, Seminar at CERN on September 15, 2015
  29. BNL’s Magnet Program Vision for HEP Colliders, DOE GARD magnet workshop, July 28, 2015
  30. 16 T Dipole Magnet Design Options, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015
  31. HTS Coils for High Field Hybrid FCC Dipoles, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015