- See also SBIR/STTR Awards to PBL/BNL Team
- Publications from PBL/BNL Papers
- Particle Beam Lasers (PBL) Website (http://particlebeamlasers.com/)
A list of presentations made by BNL-PBL team in which BNL Magnet Division played a significant role:
- A Proposed Value Engineering Design for B1ApF, January 7, 2025.
- A New Medium Field Superconducting Magnet for the EIC, FY24 Nuclear Physics SBIR/STTR Phase II Exchange Meeting, August 14, 2024.
- Optimum Integral Magnet Design (includes work performed under PBL/BNL STTR), US MDP general meeting, October 25, 2023.
- A Novel, Medium-field Optimum Integral Dipole, Presented at MT28 – International Conference on Magnet Technology (https://mt28.aoscongres.com/home!en), September 14, 2023..
- A new medium field superconducting magnet for the EIC, FY23 Nuclear Physics SBIR/STTR Phase II Exchange Meeting, August 15, 2023
- A new medium field superconducting magnet for the EIC, FY21 Phase I PI meeting, June 28, 2021
- OverPass/UnderPass (Clover leaf) End Design for Block Coil Dipoles, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
- Overpass/Underpass “aka” Cloverleaf Design, CERN/BNL Collaboration Meeting, February 11, 2021
- Design, Construction and Test of HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT25), Amsterdam, August 27 – September 1, 2017
- HTS/LTS Hybrid Test Results and Common Coil Design Update, FCC Week 2017, Berlin, Germany, May 29 – June 2, 2017
- ReBCO at BNL, 4th Workshop of the series Accelerator Magnets in High Temperature Superconductors (WAMHTS-4), Barcelona, Spain, 15-17 February 15-17, 2017
- Hybrid Configuration and BNL Activities, US MDP 1st General Meeting & Workshop Napa Valley, CA, February 6-8, 2017
- Common Coil Dipoles for Future High Energy Colliders, 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, September 4-9, 2016
- HTS Coils Test Results (poster), 2016 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, February 8-10, 2016
- High Field HTS Solenoid for a Muon Collider – Demonstrations, Challenges and Strategies, MT23, July 2013
- Status of High Field Solenoid Development, MAP13, June 19, 2013
- Status of PBL/BNL HTS Solenoid, MAP Weekly Meeting, Jan 11, 2013
- HTS Magnet R&D at BNL, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
- Construction and test results of kapton insulated 2G HTS cosine theta coil, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
- High Field Solenoid Program, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
- ReBCO and BSCCO Coils at BNL, MAP HTS Magnet Workshop, May 30-31, 2012 (Conference Website).
- High Field Solenoids, Presented at MAP Winter Collaboration Meeting at SLAC, March 4-8, 2012
- Recent Results with HTS Pancake Coils, MAP Meeting, Feb 3, 2012.
- R&D Towards 40 T at BNL, Muon2011, Telluride, June 29, 2011 (Link to workshop)
- HTS Magnets for Accelerator and Other Applications, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, March 30, 2011
- Progress Towards a High Field HTS Solenoid, MAP Winter Meeting, Newport News, March 3, 2011
- 20 T Target Solenoid with HTS Insert, Solenoid capture Workshop at BNL (workshop website, presentations), November 29-30, 2010.
- Quench Protection in HTS Magnets, Presentation at 2010 Quench Workshop, Monterey, CA, November 10, 2010.
- High Field HTS Magnets, Presentation at 2010 Low Temperature High Field Superconductor Workshop (LTHFSW10), Monterey, CA, November 8, 2010.
- High field HTS R&D solenoid for muon collider, 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Washington, DC, August 2010. <<<Click Here for Paper>>>
- BNL Magnet Program Related to Muon Collider, Muon Collider Design Workshop, BNL, December 1-3, 2009.
- High Field HTS Open Midplane Dipole, Muon Collider Physics Workshop, Fermilab, November 12, 2009.
- BNL/PBL HTS Solenoid, 2008 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, November 11-13, 2008
- HTS Open Midplane Dipole, 2008 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, November 11-13, 2008
- Open Midplane HTS Dipole SBIR for Muon Collider, PBL Collaboration Meeting at BNL, October 2-3, 2008.
- 10 T HTS Solenoid, PBL Collaboration Meeting at BNL, October 2-3, 2008