EIC (Electron Ion Collider) Work in Progress

Work in progress on EIC magnet designs from Ramesh Gupta (a large amount of work is being done by others also).
WARNING: Please note that the individual presentations below may be out of date from the current design, and may even contain errors. These are the slides shown during the working meetings.
The purpose here is to record how the designs have evolved, why certain choices were made at that time, and what options were evaluated. These presentations should also be useful to become familiar with some (limited to my work only) of the EIC IR superconducting cable magnet design work quickly (please also visit: EIC Tutorials and Magnet Design Help).
Also see SBIRs/STTRs on EIC

  1. EIC Cable Magnets, October 18, 2024.
  2. Status of Q2pF OPERA3d Model, August 20, 2024.
  3. Status of Q2pF End Design for updated turn-to-turn spacing, April 23, 2024.
  4. Status of Q2PF Quad EM Design, Meeting with Fermilab on Options for EIC SC Forward Quadrupoles, April 18, 2024.
  5. Revised Q2pF Lead End for updated turn-to-turn spacing, April 9, 2024.
  6. Revised Q2pF Return End for updated turn-to-turn spacing, March 12, 2024.
  7. Revised Q2pF Cross-section with updated turn-to-turn spacing, March 5, 2024.
  8. Q2pF Coil with Lead and Return Ends, February 27, 2024.
  9. Q2PF EIC IR SC Magnet design Status, February 7, 2024.
  10. Towards the Design of Q2pF Lead End, February 6, 2024.
  11. Tunability of Q2pF End Design, January 30, 2024.
  12. Status of Q2pF Return End Design, January 23, 2024.
  13. Strategies to Assure/Tune Field Quality in EIC IR Cable Magnets (with B1pF as an example).
  14. Investigation of Tuning Shims in Q2pF, December 19, 2023.
  15. Status of Q2pF End Design, December 12, 2023.
  16. Progress in Q2pF End Design, November 7, 2023.
  17. Magnetic design of the interaction region quadrupole Q2pF for EIC, Poster at MT28 – International Conference on Magnet Technology (https://mt28.aoscongres.com/home!en), September 15, 2023.
  18. A Novel, Medium-field Optimum Integral Dipole, Presented at MT28 – International Conference on Magnet Technology (https://mt28.aoscongres.com/home!en), September 14, 2023.
  19. Investigation of Tuning Shims in Q2pF, August 1, 2023
  20. Tuning Shims to Achieve Good Field Quality in Q2pF and Other EIC Magnets, July 18, 2023
  21. Progress in Q2pF Design (Symmetric Wedges), June 20, 2023.
  22. Investigation of Q2pF Ends for Favorable Tilt Angles, May 30 2023.
  23. More Cutouts in B1pF Yoke for Structure Elements for Intermediate Testing, March 7, 2023
  24. Progress on Accommodating Large Cutout in B1pF Inner Yoke Geometry, February 28, 2023
  25. Status of B1pF Inner Yoke 2d and Coil End Geometry, February 21, 2023
  26. B1pF Coil End Geometry, February 14, 2023
  27. Yoke Optimization of B1pF Dipole, February 14, 2023
  28. Inner Yoke Optimization of B1pF, February 7, 2023
  29. Yoke Optimization of B1pF, January 30, 2023
  30. Persistent Currents in RHIC Dipoles Measurements and Calculations (continued), December 20, 2022
  31. Persistent Currents in RHIC Dipoles Measurements and Calculations, December 6, 2022
  32. End Optimization of B1pF (300 mm)Mechanical and Magnetic, November 11, 2022
  33. Optimum Integral Dipole STTR for EIC, October 5, 2022
  34. Detailed Results from OPERA3-d Model of Q2pF, September 20, 2022
  35. 3-d Optimization of Q2pF, August 23, 2022
  36. 3-d Optimization of the Magnetic Design of Q2pF, August 16, 2022
  37. Magnet Length, Margin, etc., June 14, 2022
  38. Starting of 3-d Optimization of the Magnetic Design of Q2pF, June 7, 2022
  39. Q1ApF Cross section for 2K Operation (one design study), May 23, 2022
  40. General Approach to 3-d Optimization of the Magnetic Design, May 23, 2022
  41. Q2pF Yoke Cross-section Impact of Heat Exchanger Hole, May 10, 2022
  42. Q2pF Yoke Cross-section(15 mm cable @ 2K), April 20, 2022
  43. Q2pF Cross-section(15 mm cable @ 2K), April 13, 2022
  44. Q2pF Cross-section for 2K Operation, April 4, 2022
  45. Cable Parameters of the EIC IR Cable Magnets, March 21, 2022
  46. Starting parameters of the EIC IR design, March 15, 2022
  47. Overall Plan of Work and Status of EIC IR Cable Magnets, March 8, 2022
  48. Another Phase I SBIR/STTR Proposal using the Direct Wind Technology, August 10, 2021
  49. Impact of Larger Collar and Tie Rods Holes in Q2pF Yoke, May 18, 2021
  50. Cross-talk Control between Q1BpF & Q1eF, 3-d Analysis and Alternate Lower Cost Design, May 4, 2021
  51. Cross-talk Control between Q1BpF & Q1eF (Impact on Field Harmonics), April 20, 2021
  52. Cross-talk Control between Q1BpF & Q1eF (understanding & implementation of the novel solution), April 6, 2021
  53. EIC IR Magnet  Design Summary (FY20), November 2020
  54. 3-d Analysis of Q1BpF with Q1eF for 4K Operation, October 6, 2020
  55. Evaluation of RHIC Magnets for EIC (higher energy and higher temperature), 80 mm and 100 mm Dipoles, September 28, 2020
  56. B1pF & B1apF Cross-sections, Sept 22, 2020
  57. Evaluation of RHIC Magnets for EIC (higher energy and higher temperature), RHIC Arc Dipole (80 mm), September 17, 2020
  58. Q2pF 3-d Design Studies, Sept 1, 2020
  59. Design of Q1BpF with Q1eF for 4K Operation, July 28, 2020
  60. Q1ApF and Q1BpF Design for 4K Operation, July 21, 2020
  61. Q1ApF Coil and Q1BpF Iron plus Q1BpF Coil Redesign for 4K Operation, July 14, 2020
  62. Q1BpF Design for 4K Option, June 30, 2020
  63. Q2pF Design for 4K Option, June 23, 2020
  64. Q2pF Studies for 4K Option, June 16, 2020
  65. HTS Magnets for eRHIC, FFAG’14 International Workshop on FFAG Accelerators, September 26, 2014 (workshop site)