HTS Presentations

Why HTS Magnets?

Key Presentation #1 Key Presentation #2 Key Presentation #3

Here is a partial list of talks  on High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) by Ramesh Gupta (unless noted):

  1. New Magnet Designs and R&D Programs, October 18, 2024.
  2. William (Bill) Sampson’s Contributions to HTS Coil and Magnet R&D from Early Days, The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), William Sampson Memorial Session: Accelerator Magnets from the Beginning, September 4, 2024.
  3. HTS/LTS Hybrid Common Coil Dipole Design for 20 T Operational Field, The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024), September 5, 2024.
  4. HTS pancake coil winding experience at BNL, Muons Magnets Working Group @CERN, June 8, 2023
  5. HTS Magnets, presented during the visit of Amalia Ballarino of CERN to BNL on April, 17, 2023
  6. ReBCO Upcoming Tape Coil Tests, USMDP General Meeting December 7, 2022
  7. Common Coil Design for 20 T Operational Field,Applied Superconductivity Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 23-28, 2022.
  8. Prospects of ReBCO Cables in Future High-field Accelerator Magnets, Applied Superconductivity Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 23-28, 2022.
  9. 20T Common Coil Design Status, USMDP General Meeting, August 3, 2022.
  10. ReBCO BNL Status Report, USMDP General Meeting, July 6, 2022
  11. Prospects of HTS Cables in Accelerator Magnets, LTSW2022, May 3-5, 2022
  12. 20 T Hybrid Design: Common Coil – Leaping to a New Design Space: Facing the Kodak Moment, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting 2022, March 15, 2022
  13. 20 T Bi2212/Nb3Sn Hybrid Common Coil Design with 15% Margin, November 2, 2021
  14. Status Report on the CORC Coil Program, September 7, 2021
  15. Status Report on the CORC Coil Program, May 26, 2021
  16. FES and HEP Synergistic Activities at BNL Supporting the Development of Fusion Technologies, NOW, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 5, 2021
  17. ReBCO Technology Part 1, BNL Program, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting, March 2, 2021
  18. HTS/LTS High Field R&D Dipole, Applied Superconductivity Conference, ASC2020-Virtual,  Recording, Presentation, Summary, October 30, 2020
  19. 12 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test Results, 2020 IEEE Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, LTSW/HFSW2020, Berkeley, CA, Feb 28, 2020
  20. 12 T HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test Results and Applicability to MDP Roadmap, USMDP Annual Collaboration Meeting 2020, Berkeley, CA, Feb 26, 2020
  21. Preliminary Results of the HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test , USMDP Videoconference on Feb 19, 2020
  22. HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole Test, USMDP Videoconference on Jan 29, 2020
  23. BNL Capabilities for Supporting Fusion R&D,  1st annual INFUSE workshop, Knoxville, TN, November 22-23, 2019
  24. ReBCO Roadmap MDP, USMDP Video meeting on October 23, 2019
  25. BNL experience with HTS magnets and coils, 3rd International Workshop on Cooling Systems for High Temperature Superconductor Applications at GE Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, October 15, 2019, October 17, 2020
  26. Magnet Technology Development for High Field Accelerator Magnets (special session),  2019 International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT26), Vancouver, Canada, September 22-27, 2019
  27. New Approach and Test Facility for High Field Accelerator Magnets R&D,  2019 International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT26), Vancouver, Canada, September 22-27, 2019
  28. Test of HTS Tape Coil in a Hybrid Dipole (HTS tape aligned in favorable direction), USMDP Videoconference on September 3, 2019
  29. Magnetization Studies in Coils made with HTS Tape in a Hybrid Dipole (HTS tape aligned in favorable direction), USMDP Videoconference on August, 9, 2019
  30. Initial Thinking on the ReBCO Based R&D Program at BNL for USMDP Videoconference on June 5, 2019
  31. BNL experience related to HTS accelerator magnets, USMDP Videoconference on May 15, 2019
  32. BNL Experience with NI Coils,  WAMHTS-5, 5th Workshop on Accelerator Magnets in HTS, Budapest, Hungary, April 11-12, 2019
  33. The IBS 25 T Large Bore Magnet, 2019 Low Temperature/High Field Superconductor Workshop LTSW/HFSW2019, Frances Marion Hotel, Charleston SC, February 11-13, 2019
  34. BNL HTS magnet experience relevant to accelerator dipoles, US MDP Collaboration Meeting,  Fermilab, January 16-18, 2019
  35. Status of the 25 T, 100 mm Bore HTS Solenoid for an Axion Dark Matter Search Experiment, 2018 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Seattle, October 28 – November 2, 2018
  36. Large Bore Axion Magnet, 2018 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop,  Jacksonville, Florida, February 12 -14, 2018
  37. High Field HTS Magnet Program at BNL,  IAS Workshop on HTS Materials and Magnets, Hong Kong, Jan 18-19, 2018
  38. Design, Construction and Test of HTS/LTS Hybrid Dipole, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT25), Amsterdam, August 27 – September 1, 2017
  39. High Field, Large Aperture HTS Solenoid for Axion Dark Matter Search, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT25), Amsterdam, August 27 – September 1, 2017
  40. HTS/LTS Hybrid Test Results and Common Coil Design Update, FCC Week 2017, Berlin, Germany, May 29 – June 2, 2017
  41. Hybrid Configuration and BNL Activities,  US MDP 1st General Meeting & Workshop Napa Valley, CA, February 6-8, 2017
  42. ReBCO at BNL, 4th Workshop of the series Accelerator Magnets in High Temperature Superconductors (WAMHTS-4), Barcelona, Spain, 15-17 February 15-17, 2017
  43. Curved HTS Coils Cooled by Cryo-coolers, 2016 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, September 4-9, 2016
  44.  Review and Potential of 16 T (or more) Common Coil Dipole, FCC Week 2016, Rome, April 13, 2016
  45. Next Generation Superconducting Magnets for Future Accelerators, FAS Lecture Series, State University at New York, Stony Brook, NY, February 26, 2016
  46. High Field Magnet R&D at BNL for Future High Energy Colliders, 2016 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, February 8-10, 2016
  47. HTS Coils Test Results (poster), 2016 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, February 8-10, 2016
  48. HTS Activities and Recent Progress at BNL, MIT visit to BNL for possible collaboration on Fusion, November 6, 2015
  49. HTS Quadrupole R&D at BNL for FRIB, Seminar at RISP/IBS, Korea, October 27, 2015
  50.  High Field HTS Solenoid for CAPP, Seminar at CAPP/IBS, Korea, October 26, 2015
  51. Design, Construction and Testing of A Large Aperture High Field HTS SMES Coil, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT24), Seoul, Korea, October 19, 2015
  52. High Field Solenoid Development for Axion Dark Matter Search at CAPP/IBS, International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT24), Seoul, Korea, October 19, 2015
  53. Common Coil Magnet Design for High Energy Colliders, Seminar at CERN on September 15, 2015
  54. Protection Experience and HTS Magnets at BNL, 3rd Workshop on Accelerator Magnets in HTS (WAMHTS-3), Lyon, France, September 10-11, 2015 
  55. HTS Activities and Recent Progress at BNL, Collaboration Meeting with Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) on Fusion, July 31, 2015
  56. BNL’s Magnet Program Vision for HEP Colliders, DOE GARD magnet workshop, July 28, 2015
  57. High Field Hybrid Design, 2015 ICFA mini-workshop on high field magnets for pp colliders, Shanghai, China, June 14-17, 2015
  58. Superconducting Magnet Program at BNL, 2015 ICFA mini-workshop on high field magnets for pp colliders, Shanghai, China, June 14-17, 2015
  59. HTS Coils for High Field Hybrid FCC Dipoles, FCC Week 2015, 23-27 March 2015
  60. High Field HTS SMES Solenoid, LTSW15, February 16-18, 2015
  61. High Field Hybrid Dipoles for FCC, LTSW15, February 16-18, 2015
  62. High Field Solenoid Magnets, CAPP/IBS Korea, December 4, 2014
  63. High Field HTS SMES Coil, International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications 2014 (CCA2014), December 1, 2014
  64. Recent Results in High Field Magnet Technology, WAMHTS-2, Kyoto November 13, 2014
  65. HTS Magnets for eRHIC, FFAG’14 International Workshop on FFAG Accelerators, September 26, 2014 (workshop site)
  66. R&D Activities on High Field and HTS Magnets at BNL, IHEP, Beijing, China, September 21, 2014 
  67. BNL High Field and HTS Magnet Program, FCC Magnet Meeting, Charlotte, NC, August 13, 2014 
  68. HTS Quadrupole for FRIB – Design, Construction and Test Results, 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 10-15, 2014
  69. Medium and High Field HTS Magnet R&D at BNL, LTSW2013, November 5, 2013
  70. HTS Magnets for FRIB and Other Applications, FRIB/MSU, September 12, 2013
  71. High Field HTS Solenoid for a Muon Collider – Demonstrations, Challenges and Strategies, MT23, July 2013 (Paper)
  72. Status of High Field Solenoid Development, MAP13, June 19, 2013  (Website of the meeting)
  73. Special Magnet Needs: HTS Magnets for High Radiation Environment, April 15, 2013
  74. ReBCO-based High Field Solenoids for MAP, February 22, 2013
  75. Status of PBL/BNL HTS Solenoid, MAP Weekly Meeting, Jan 11, 2013
  76. Very High Field HTS and Superconducting Magnets, Presented at 25th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2012) in Tokyo, Japan, December 3-5, 2012.
  77. HTS Magnet R&D at BNL, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
  78. High Field Solenoid Program, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
  79. Construction and test results of kapton insulated 2G HTS cos q coil, LTHFSW2012 at Napa, CA, November 5-7, 2012
  80. Design, Construction and Test of the HTS Quad for FRIB, ASC2012, Portland, OR, ASC2012, Oct 7-12.
  81. HTS Magnet Technology at BNL – Advancements and Capabilities, Presented during the discussion on HTS BEARING FOR THE FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE, September 12, 2012
  82. HTS Magnets for Special Applications, Seminar Given at the Institute of Basic Science, South Korea, Aug 23, 2012
  83. ReBCO and BSCCO Coils at BNL, MAP HTS Magnet Workshop, May 30-31, 2012 (Conference Website).
  84. High Field Solenoids, Presented at MAP Winter Collaboration Meeting at SLAC, March 4-8, 2012
  85. HTS-based Quadrupoles,  Presented at the Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnet Materials (RESMM’12) at Fermilab, Feb 13-15, 2012
  86.  Recent Results with HTS Pancake Coils, MAP Meeting, Feb 3, 2012.
  87. HTS Magnet Program at BNL, Low Temperature – High Field Superconductor Workshop (LTHFSW), Providence, November 7-9, 2011.
  88. Advances in HTS Magnets for Accelerator and Other Applications, 105th Topical Symposium on Superconductivity and Application, October 7-8, 2011 (Go to Symposium Website)
  89. High Field Magnet R&D with YBCO, Eucard2 Video Conference, July 26, 2011
  90. R&D Towards 40 T at BNL, Muon2011, Telluride, June 29, 2011 (Link to workshop)
  91. HTS Magnets for Accelerator and Other Applications, 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York, March 30, 2011
  92. Progress Towards a High Field HTS Solenoid, MAP Winter Meeting, Newport News, March 3, 2011
  93. High Temperature Superconducting Magnets: Revolutionizing Next Generation Accelerators and Other Applications, 466th Brookhaven Lecture, February 16, 2011.
  94. Video Link to the Brookhaven Lecture  Brookhaven Lecture  High Temperature Superconducting Magnets: Revolutionizing Next Generation Accelerators and Other Applications, 466th Brookhaven Lecture, February 16, 2011
  95. 20 T Target Solenoid with HTS Insert, Solenoid capture Workshop at BNL (workshop website, presentations), November 29-30, 2010.
  96. Quench Protection in HTS Magnets, Presentation at 2010 Quench Workshop, Monterey, CA, November 10, 2010.
  97. High Field HTS Magnets, Presentation at 2010 Low Temperature High Field Superconductor Workshop (LTHFSW10), Monterey, CA, November 8, 2010. 
  98. High Field HTS Magnets, Eucard 2010, Malta, October 14, 2010.
  99. High field HTS R&D solenoid for muon collider, 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Washington, DC, August 2010.    <<Paper>>
  100. Second Generation HTS Quadrupole for FRIB, 2010 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Washington, DC, August 2010.    <<Paper>>
  101. HTS for Magnets in High Radiation Enviornments, 5th Forum on New Material, CIMTEC 2010, Italy, June 18, 2010.
  102. HTS Solenoid, ERL External Review (link), February 17, 2010  ***(companion report)***.
  103. BNL Magnet Program Related to Muon Collider, Muon Collider Design Workshop, BNL, December 1-3, 2009.
  104. High Field HTS Open Midplane Dipole, Muon Collider Physics Workshop, Fermilab, November 12, 2009.
  105. HTS Magnet Program at BNL, Low Temperature Workshop LTSW09, Monterey, CA, November 9-11, 2009.
  106. Discussion on 2G Conductor and Magnet R&D, SuperPower, Schenectady, NY, October 12, 2009.
  107. FRIB R&D – Radiation Resistant Magnets, Washington D.C., May 22, 2009.
  108. RIA/FRIB HTS Magnet Program, Seminar at MSU, April 1, 2009.
  109. BNL/PBL HTS Solenoid, 2008 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, November 11-13, 2008.
  110. HTS Open Midplane Dipole, 2008 Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, November 11-13, 2008.
  111. Application of HTS in Accelerator Magnets, Brookhaven Accelerator Forum (BAF) Meeting, October 23, 2008.
  112. 2G HTS Magnet R&D, Informal Presentation at SuperPower, Schenectady, NY, September 9, 2008.
  113. Medium and Low Field HTS Magnets for Particle Accelerator and Beam Lines, 2008 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago,     (Click here for the paper).
  114. Medium Field HTS Magnets, Fusion and Accelerator Magnet Workshop, Brolo, Italy, May 26-29, 2008.
  115. Radiation Studies for HTS Magnets, Fusion and Accelerator Magnet Workshop, Brolo, Italy, May 26-29, 2008.
  116. Possible BNL Contributions to High Field HTS Magnet Program, High Field Magnet Meeting, Fermilab, Dec 17-18, 2007.
  117. HTS in a Variety of Future Accelerator Magnets, LTSW07 @ Lake Tahoe, CA, October 29, 2007.
  118. Design, Construction and Test Results of a Warm Iron HTS Quadrupole for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Presented at MT20 – 20th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Philadelphia, USA, August 27-31, 2007     (Click here for the paper).
  119. HTS Program at BNL Superconducting Magnet Division, American Superconductor Corporation, Devens, MA, April 4, 2007.
  120. HTS Magnet Design and Analysis (for ERL Solenoid), Feb 14, 2007.
  121. BNL Magnet Results – Facilitating Opportunities for New Conductors through Magnet Designs, Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop (LTSW06), November 7-9, 2006.
  122. High Field Magnet Potential of Bi-2212, 2212 Workshop at Tallahassee, Florida, November 6, 2006.
  123. HTS Solenoid Design Review, “Coil Design”, October 13, 2006.
  124. Test Results and Analysis of RIA HTS Magnetic Mirror Quadrupole, Internal Seminar, June 8, 2006.
  125. Lectures given at US Particle Accelerator School, January 16-20, 2006
  126. Collaboration meeting with HTS-110 on possibility of HTS magnets in NSLS, December 15, 2005.
  127. High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) Solenoid, SRF Gun Design Review, December 14, 2005.
  128. HTS Solenoid Status, SRF Gun Interim Design Rerview. October 19, 2005.
  129. High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) Solenoid Status, SRF Gun Interim Design Review, September 1, 2005.
  130. HTS Magnets for Future Accelerators and Beam Lines, Seminar at Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Calcutta, India on July 22, 2005 .
  131. Superconducting Magnets for RIA’s Fragment Separator, RIA Facility Workshop. Michigan State University (3/10/04)
  132. React & Wind Magnets with Nb3Sn and Bi-2212, LTSW03, Monterey, CA (11/10-12/2003)
  133. Status of High Temperature Superconductor Magnet R&D at BNL, MT18 (10/21/03) (Click here for paper)
  134. HTS R&D Activities at BNL, Seminar at Showa Electric Wire & Cable Corporation, Japan (10/17/03)
  135. Development of Radiation Resistant Quadrupoles Based on High Temperature Superconductors for the Fragment Separator, RIA R&D Workshop, Washington, D.C. (8/26-28/03) (Click here for report)
  136. High Temperature Superconductors in Future Accelerator Magnets, Seminar at Michigan State University (5/28/03)
  137. High Temperature Materials in New Generation Accelerator Magnets, RUPAC-2002, Russia (8/2/2002)
  138. BNL Experience with HTS and Future Possibilities (March 26, 2002)
  139. HTS magnets and Nb3Sn quads, LHC IR Upgrade Collaboration Meeting (March 11-12, 2002)
  140. Panel Discussion on technology and R&D of high field magnets: HTS Technology, LHC IR Upgrade Collaboration Meeting (March 11-12, 2002)
  141. Impact of HTS magnets on IR layout and design, LHC IR Upgrade Collaboration Meeting (March 11-12, 2002)
  142. HTS Cable Magnet Program (DOE Review 02/27/02)
  143. HTS Magnet R&D at BNL (LTSW 01, Nov. 12, 2001)
  144. Test Results on HTS Coils for Common Coil Magnets, Low Temperature Superconductor Workshop (LTSW ’00), November 9, 2000.
  145. Common Coil Magnet Program at BNL, Presented at ASC2000 (September 20, 2000)  (Click here for paper)